NightWare improves sleep in patients with Nightmare Disorder
Our company is inspired by a young man’s devotion to his father. Tyler had watched his dad be tormented by debilitating nightmares associated with PTSD after returning from active military duty. As a computer science student in college, Tyler developed a prototype device to help his dad and others that experience nightmares.
We saw the potential for his idea to help millions3 of people improve their sleep quality by interrupting nightmares as they happen. With a commitment to make the device available to patients and health care professionals nationwide, we founded our company in 2017. Over the past few years, we have brought together the clinical, manufacturing, regulatory, and legal expertise needed to turn the prototype into an FDA-cleared prescription digital therapeutic system.
Whatever the cause of Nightmare Disorder or PTSD, our mission is to help people with frequent, traumatic nightmares to enjoy improved sleep quality and get a more restful sleep.

If you have frequent nightmares that disrupt your sleep (or make you afraid to go to sleep), cause distress in your life, and interfere with your ability to function during the day, you may have Nightmare Disorder. This is a recognized diagnosis in the DSM-5.† It’s not just bad dreams. Researchers estimate that nightmares affect up to eight percent of the general population, and that seventy-two percent of people with PTSD experience disruptive nightmares.4
Poor sleep can impact your life by causing insomnia, daytime sleepiness, fatigue, and suicidal thoughts. It may also worsen the effects of anxiety and depression.5,6,7 There are no FDA-approved treatments specifically designed to treat nightmares. We created NightWare to help people suffering from this specific and severe condition. NightWare is another option for physicians to consider for patients looking to improve their sleep quality.
†The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5) is the product of more than 10 years of effort by hundreds of international experts in all aspects of mental health. Their dedication and hard work have yielded an authoritative volume that defines and classifies mental disorders in order to improve diagnoses, treatment, and research.8